Department of Immunology and Allergology (7)


Monday, 29 February 2016 00:00

Theoretical course for beginners

Sofia, NCIPD, 13 - 15.04.2010


30.03 (02.04)
09.00 – 10.00
Opening. History and principles of flow cytometry, (Prof. Taskov).
10.15 – 11.30
Basic flow cytometer configuration (fluidic system, optical system, electronics). Last generation systems for flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting, (Prof. Taskov).
11.45 – 12.30
Fluorescence and fluorochromes in flow cytometry. Principles of multi-color analysis. (A. Mihova)
13.30 – 14.30
Possibilities of flow cytometry analysis (cells – subcellular fractions – soluble analytes), (Prof. Taskov, M. Nikolova).
31.03 (03.04)
09.00 – 09.30
Monoclonal antibodies. Immunophenotyping. Analysis of surface and intracellular markers, ( M. Nikolova).
10.45 – 12.00
Flow cytometry analysis of cellular functions – I (activation, proliferation, cytokine expression), ( M. Nikolova, M. Muhtarova).
13.00 – 14.30
Flow cytometry analysis of cellular functions – II (migration, phagocytosis, oxidative burst, allergen-specific degranulation) ( M. Nikolova, D.Stankulova).
15.00 – 16.30
Apoptosis, (A. Mihova, M.Muhtarova).
01.04 (04.04)
09.00 – 10.00
Analysis of DNA and cell cycle, (A. Mihova).
10.15 – 11.15
Clinical applications of flow cytometry (Assoc. prof. M.Nikolova)
11.30 - 12.30
Design of flow cytometry experiments: planning, performing, data analysis and publication, (Prof. Taskov).
13.30 – 14.30
Discussion and closure, (Prof. Taskov).

Registration fee: 45 lv. The number of participants is limited!

For additional information and registration:

Dr. Maria Nikolova, Antoaneta Mihova
359 2 943 56 36
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Practical Course: Flow Cytometry DNA Analysis, May and October 2010

Practical Course: Flow Cytometry Analysis of Apoptosis, June 2010

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The Analytical Cytometry Core Facility

Wednesday, 02 December 2015 00:00

About us …

The Analytical Cytometry Core Facility originated in 1987.

It as a part of the Central Laboratory of Immunology and is currently housed in the main building of NCIPD.

It functions as an open access facility offering variable sophisticated flow cytometry techniques.

We have established collaborations with the Medical Universities in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna and Pleven, the Biology Department of Sofia University, the institutes of Microbiology and Molecular Biology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,etc.

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Laboratory of Mucosal Immunity

Wednesday, 02 December 2015 00:00
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Outpatient’s Allergy Office

Wednesday, 02 December 2015 00:00

Head: Assoc. Prof. Georgi Nikolov, MD, PhD

tel.: +359 2 946 07 87

Consultant: Acad. Bogdan Petrunov, MD, DSc

tel. +359 2 843 20 75

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the outpatient’s Allergy office in vivo and in vitro diagnostics and specific treatment of allergic diseases are routinely performed. The most extensive set of allergens for in vivo  diagnosis of allergy in the country is offered there, including individually prepared allergens and haptens. Last generation in vitro diagnostic methods are also available:  flow cytometric determination of basophil degranulation (Basotest) and for determination of the level of allergen-specific IgE antibodies in the serum (ImmunoCAP and Euroline system), which allow detailing the diagnosis of allergy.

Diagnostic tests and services, performed at the outpatient’s Allergy office:

1. Medical examination and consultation   

2. Drawing of venous or capillary blood for allergological examination Skin allergy tests (intracutaneous test, prick test, epicutaneous test).

3. Subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of allergens and immunoglobulins.

4.Quantification of allergen-specific IgE against a specific allergen using an ImmunoCAP.

6. In vitro determination of atopic profile by testing IgE antibodies against a set of allergens.

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NRL of Immunology

Wednesday, 02 December 2015 00:00

Head: prof. Maria Nikolova, MD, DSc  - clinical immunologist 


NRLI performs highly specialized phenotypic and functional studies of the immune system with  focus on secondary immunodeficiencies and infections. A significant part of the research is related to the immune monitoring of   HIV+ patients and the  recovery of immune response in the course of antiretroviral therapy.

NRLI offers a range of methods for complex evaluation of the immune system, including humoral and cellular components, natural and acquired immune response.   Precise quantitative flow cytometry analysis of T-, B- and NK-lymphocytes and their subpopulations, quantification of antigen-specific response in chronic infections (HIV, EBV, CMV, HBV, tuberculosis), functional studies of phagocytes, determination of sensitization to allergens by in vitro allergen-specific activation of basophils, quantitative measurement of CD34+ stem cells, phenotyping of leukosis and lymphomas. In vitro diagnosis of latent and active tuberculosis infection as well as monitoring of antituberculosis therapy by QuantiFERONTBGoldIn-Tube and T.SPOT.TB is also available.

Since the beginning of 2020, NRLI offers a range of tests for evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody and T-cell response.

The proposed tests are extremely useful for evaluation of patients with primary and secondary immune deficiencies, chronic viral infections and unexplained fever, "chronic fatigue syndrome", malignancies and allergies.

Research studies performed at NRLI are related to the homeostasis and regeneration of lymphocyte subsets, the regulation of the immune response and its disorders in chronic infections, the possibilities for immunomodulation of adaptive and natural immune response. NRLI has established collaborations with the Medical Universities in Sofia, Plovdiv, the Biology Department of Sofia University, the institutes of Microbiology and Molecular Biology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,etc. A long-term collaboration exists with the National Institute of Health and Medical Research of France (INSERM), the Medical Faculty of UPEC and the Department of Clinical Immunology of the University Hospital A. Mondor”, Creteil, France, as well as the Immunology Department of Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy. The   laboratory staff has co-authored  over 200 scientific publications in Bulgarian and international scientific journals.   

Diagnostic tests offered at NRLI

  • Quantitative determination of serum (plasma) immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA)
    1. Immunophenotyping of blood cells by flow cytometry, basic panel (% )
    2. Immunophenotyping of blood cells by flow cytometry, basic panel (%, absolute number)
    3. Immunophenotyping of blood cells by flow cytometry,
    4. Immunophenotyping of leukemias and lymphomas
  • IGRA tests for diagnosis of tuberculosis infection
  • IGRA tests for SARS-CoV-2 cellular immune response
  • Determination of phagocytic activity by flow cytometry
  • Determination of leukocyte activation by flow cytometry
  • Flow cytometry determination of antigen-specific T – lymphocytes (EBV, CMV, HIV, SARS-CoV-2)
  • Flow cytometry test for basophilic degranulation
  • Determination of T-cell functional activity by spontaneous and mitogen-induced production of IFN-gamma
  • Determination of IgG anti-nuclear autoantibodies (against 15 and 18 autoantigens)
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Department of Immunology

Wednesday, 02 December 2015 00:00


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Head of Department:
Prof. Maria Nikolova, MD, DSc - clinical immunologist
phone: +359 2 9446999/ 240

The Immunology Department of performs various diagnostic, reference and research activities related to the evaluation of humoral and cellular immune response, and the possibilities for its modulation. The department is an excellent training base for graduate and post-graduate students, as well as for specialization and continuous education of medical doctors and biologists in the field of clinical and laboratory immunology. Since the establishment of the Department over 50 PhD theses have been successfully completed here, in two PhD programs "Immunology” and "Immunopathology and Allergology".

The Immunology Department comprises the National Reference Laboratory of Immunology (NRLI) and the Allergy Outpatients’ Service. The excellent methodological and technical equipment of the laboratory guarantees a high level of research and clinical activities. All routinely offered methods have been certified by the Bulgarian Accreditation Service in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2001.   NRLI participates in several international programs for external quality control in immunology performs and organizes similar programs for external quality control of clinical immunology laboratories in the country. Since 2009, a Center for Analytical Cytometry has been created at the Department of Immunology as an open core facility offering a wide range of last generation methods for cell analysis, for the needs of fundamental and applied research and clinical studies, as well as expertise, and trainings on various aspects of analytical cytometry for beginners and advanced researchers.

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